Jesus said: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of My Hand.
~John 10:27-28
One of the oldest Christian portrayals of
Jesus is the image of the Good Shepherd — an image we all like. But
very few of us here have ever seen a shepherd or even a flock of sheep. We get our image from pious pictures showing
Jesus in pure white garments, cradling a snow-white, cute lamb in His
arms or carrying it on His shoulders. But the reality of sheep and
shepherds in Palestine during the time of Jesus was quite different.
Sheep are dirty, foul-smelling animals and, as some say, the dumbest
among all the four-legged animals. And yet, Jesus said, “My sheep hear
my voice… and they follow me.”
Here, we may reflect on our reaction to the voice of Christ. We live in a
world where, day after day, we hear many voices. I wonder why so many listen to those
voices and ignore the voice of the Good Shepherd who speaks through the
Bible and through the teaching authority of the Church. Unfortunately,
even inside the church there are voices that do not come from
the Good Shepherd. For example, there are certain private messages
allegedly received by self-proclaimed visionaries.
Lord, You are my Shepherd and I hear
Your voice every time I read or listen to the Gospels. And yet, how
often do I ignore Your voice! Guide me, Lord, that I may follow only
Your voice!
Your challenge this week is to create a project using this scripture or another verse that reminds us to follow His voice. When uploading your project, please use keyword ODBDBVT78 and then hop over to Our Daily Bread Designs Forum and share it with us!
Thanks so much for your message and beautiful card, Cheryl! I really needed it today! We are bombarded today by so many outside voices....thanks for the reminder to focus on His! Blessings, Angie