"Whoever Believes in Me, streams of living water will flow from within him." ~John 7:38
Water is a symbol of the Holy Ghost. He is an agent working to do the
will of the Father and to exalt Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost convinces
us of our need of Christ and the salvation that He offers.
Jesus defied and challenged many of the traditions of His day. Many of the original laws of Moses and the Old Testament had been changed to allow traditions to rule in their place. The people basically had a dead religion that was very hard for them to get excited about. Thus, Jesus stands up and interrupts the service to explain that He was the water of life and all the figures and symbols were types that pointed to Him as the Messiah. Looking at the qualities of a river we can draw several parallels to the gift Jesus has given us in salvation.
I. A River requires a definite beginning.
"he that believes in me" (v. 38)
A. The Mississippi River has its beginning in a small stream that continues to get larger and larger.
B. The river of salvation begins with faith and repentance and reaches to all mankind.
C. Those who run to Jesus can be washed and cleansed by this river.-1 Jn. 1:9
II. The River Reflects a Dynamic Source
"as the scripture hath said" (v. 38)
A. Where the Missouri River pours into the Mississippi, the currents go in motion with more power, force, and magnitude.
B. The river in your life needs entrances of prayer, Bible study, worship, proper fellowship and patience.
C. Rivers have outlets also.
The Dead Sea has no outlet, thus it is stagnant and has no life.53
*Don’t be a cistern, be a channel.
III. The River yields a Distinct Service
-the river flows
A. Rivers carry heavy barges
B. The river of salvation helps carry the heavy loads of life's problems.
IV. Rivers Retain a Splendor
A. A good river does not end; it simply pours into the ocean, where the sun evaporates the water that turns to humidity and gathers in the clouds and is carried by the wind to bring rains that once again fill the river.
B. The river of salvation is eternal. (Mt. 24:35)
It is reciprocal--a cycle of fresh life.
Jesus defied and challenged many of the traditions of His day. Many of the original laws of Moses and the Old Testament had been changed to allow traditions to rule in their place. The people basically had a dead religion that was very hard for them to get excited about. Thus, Jesus stands up and interrupts the service to explain that He was the water of life and all the figures and symbols were types that pointed to Him as the Messiah. Looking at the qualities of a river we can draw several parallels to the gift Jesus has given us in salvation.
I. A River requires a definite beginning.
"he that believes in me" (v. 38)
A. The Mississippi River has its beginning in a small stream that continues to get larger and larger.
B. The river of salvation begins with faith and repentance and reaches to all mankind.
C. Those who run to Jesus can be washed and cleansed by this river.-1 Jn. 1:9
II. The River Reflects a Dynamic Source
"as the scripture hath said" (v. 38)
A. Where the Missouri River pours into the Mississippi, the currents go in motion with more power, force, and magnitude.
B. The river in your life needs entrances of prayer, Bible study, worship, proper fellowship and patience.
C. Rivers have outlets also.
The Dead Sea has no outlet, thus it is stagnant and has no life.53
*Don’t be a cistern, be a channel.
III. The River yields a Distinct Service
-the river flows
A. Rivers carry heavy barges
B. The river of salvation helps carry the heavy loads of life's problems.
IV. Rivers Retain a Splendor
A. A good river does not end; it simply pours into the ocean, where the sun evaporates the water that turns to humidity and gathers in the clouds and is carried by the wind to bring rains that once again fill the river.
B. The river of salvation is eternal. (Mt. 24:35)
It is reciprocal--a cycle of fresh life.
** From a Sermon by Craig Benner
Your challenge this week is to create a project using this scripture or another verse that illustrates the gift Jesus has given us in salvation. When uploading your project, please use keyword ODBDBVT53 and then join us over at Our Daily Bread Designs Forum to share it with the community!
Supplies for this project:
Cardstock: Bazzill - Java, Coconut Swirl, Leaf; The Paper Company - Forest Cover
Decorative Paper: My Mind's Eye - Stella Rose
Stamps: Our Daily Bread Designs - Quiet Waters
Inks, Stains, Paints & Colored Pencils: Momento Ink - Rich Cocoa; Prismacolor Pencils - Light Aqua, Grass Green, Terra Cotta, Sky Blue Light
Accessories & Other Stuff: American Crafts Ribbon
Many Blessings!
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